After a slew of acquisitions, the country’s biggest private player Adani Ports plans to focus on executing the existing projects such as Dhamra expansion, Karan Adani, chief executive officer said on Thursday at the Maritime India Summit held in Mumbai.
“We will not be bidding for any new project as of now and will be focusing only in executing the existing ones,” he said. Adani Ports, which had strong presence on the west coast via its recent acquisitions, has made its presence equally strong on the east coast of the country.
The company has also entered the trans-shipment segment and is currently developing the Vizhinjam port in Kerala. “Our trans-shipment project is very much on track and is scheduled to get completed in next 1,000 days as planned,” he said.
Adani Ports has set an aim to hit cargo handling capacity of 200 million tonnes by 2020 and has already crossed more than 100 milion tonnes.