Driven by a strong export performance, Ajanta Pharma has recorded a 58% jump in its profit after tax (but before extraordinary items) at Rs 7.44 crore for the year ended March 31, 2005, against Rs 4.72 crore in FY04. The company's consolidated net profit for the year ended March 31, 2005 increased to Rs 9.85 crore, as against Rs 5.60 crore in FY04. According to a release issued by Ajanta Pharma to he BSE, the company's sales has surged 48% to Rs 178.80 crore during FY04-05 over the preceeding year's Rs 120.65 crore. "This was on the back of an excellent export performance, which contributed 80% of the total sales," it said. The consolidated sales grew by 36% in FY04-05 at Rs 202.03 crore against Rs 148.34 crore in the previous year, the release added. |