The Alchemist Ltd, a Chandigarh-based diversified group, has planned to invest Rs 600 crore for its 'table egg' production project in West Bengal to meet the huge excess demand prevailing in the local market. |
"We have earmarked a total investment of Rs 600 crore for setting up Table Egg Layer facilities in each of the 18 districts of West Bengal. On completion of the project by 2008/9 total supply of eggs will be one crore per day," company chairman-cum-managing director K D Singh said here today. |
Speaking at the inauguration of the first table egg production unit here, Singh said, "According to our study there is a shortage of about one crore egg per day in West Bengal which is currently being met by imports from Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu leading to Rs 400 crore outflow from the state." |
While the unit set up by the company would supply about 20 lakh eggs per day, the rest 80 lakh would be procured through contract farming which would provide self-employment opportunities for about 50,000 people, he said. |
The Durgapur unit, inaugurated by chief minister Buddhadev Bhattacharjee during the day, was set up at a cost of Rs 20 crore over 8.5 acres of land and would produce one lakh eggs per day. |
Bhattacharjee said West Bengal was lagging behind in animal husbandry and therefore facing shortage in egg and meat production. The total demand for egg in state is 1500 crore per annum and the local production is only 300 crore per annum, he said. |
This difference can be bridged only if private companies like the Alchemist came forward, Bhattacharjee said. |
Singh said the company, also having interests in IT, food processing, biotech and steel, has recently launched a mega project for poultry meat and a slaughter house project in Punjab at an investment of Rs 60 crore. |
This would be further expanded with additional investment of Rs 80 crore. |
The company, formerly known as Toubro Industries and Infotech Ltd, was holding negotiation with the West Bengal government for taking over the Behala Flying Club in Kolkata, lying closed since long, for launching feeder service for short distance flights, he said. |
The company has also acquired a tea garden in Darjeeling and entered into floriculture business in West Bengal. |