Amazon, EXL and Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) on Sunday made the highest number of offers at the Cluster 2 PGP final placement of Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIM-A), a statement released by the premier B-school stated. The second cluster of the final placement process for the Post Graduate Programme (PGP) batch of 2012-14 was held on Sunday.
The second cluster consisted of companies from sectors like consumer goods, consumer services, global technology firms, general management and leadership, strategy and niche consulting, banking and financial services.
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The banking and financial services category also saw participation of Singapore-based DBS. “IIM Ahmedabad is a premiere institute and has a good mix of candidates,” DBS was quoted in the release.
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The third cluster is scheduled to be conducted on February 23.
It might be mentioned here that last year, the Boston Consulting Group had made the highest number of offers in Cluster 1 of the final placement process for the PGP batch of 2011-13. Boston Consulting was closely followed by Accenture and McKinsey & Co and Bain & Co. The second cluster last year witnessed job offers from HUL, P&G, ITC, Nestle, Airtel and L’Oreal to name a few. Reliance Industries Limited and Airtel were the top recruiters in the second cluster and extended offers to nine students each.
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Other IIMs are also in the process of completing their placement process. However, IIM-Bangalore, which began placements on February 10, has completed the final placement process and will bring out its detailed report in the next few days.