Gurgaon-based fashion apparel e-tailer, American Swan, has announced that it plans to hit GMV of Rs 300 crore by FY16. The company will launch an app for its existing website by December.
"Currently, we have 1.5 million customers but we should reach two million by the end of 2015," said Sharad Thakur, chief business officer.
The company also plans to go on a hiring spree in the next six months. American Swan will hire heads of digital marketing and brand communication in the next fortnight. The focus will be on absorbing people from B-schools & graduates of fashion institutes.
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"American Swan as a brand has grown tremendously in the past one year. To scale up our operations and capture a larger share of the market, we plan to add significant manpower to the existing one by almost 30-40 per cent at almost all levels," said Thakur.
Thakur is the first of the hiring spree and joined the two-year-old company in September. He was previously with