Mumbai-based producer of animation film and television programmes, Animation Bridge, has entered into co-production agreements with French, Japanese and UK producers of animation entertainment products. |
This apart, it is also looking at acquiring rights of popular comic book characters for producing animated films and television programmes based on them. |
Speaking to Business Standard, Biren Ghose, chief executive officer of Animation Bridge, said, "We will be co-producing a 3D series called Stoobie Cooper, with UK-based Richwood Entertainment and Bangalore-based Paprikaas Animation Studios." While Richwood will handle the pre-production, Paprikaas will do the production, he added. |
"The production is likely to start in the second quarter of this year and at present we will be producing a six-episode series in a DVD format," Ghose said. The project size is likely to be around $4.5 million for the six-episode series, he added. |
"This apart, we will also be co-producing Bob Screen, with a French production company called Digital Salade," Ghose said. |
The production of the spy thriller animated series in a DVD format is likely to start in mid-2005, he added. |
"We are also looking at acquiring rights of some popular comic book characters in the near future," Ghose said. "In fact, we are also contemplating marketing toys and comic books based on the characters of our animation series," he added. |
Animation Bridge has also entered into co-production of a 26-episode action-oriented 2D series called Guardians of Luna with a Japanese producer. "This series is likely to go on air in August 2006," Ghose said. |
Michael Reaves of Batman: The Animated Series fame is the story-editor for the series and the key animation is being done in Japan, he added. |
"The character design is being done by Osamu Tsuruyama, Sho Murase and John Nevarez," Ghose said. It is a typical action adventure and is being done in the Japanese format of animation called Anime, he added. Guardians of Luna is a $6.5 million project. |
Animation Bridge has also acquired the rights to a book property called The Blood Jaguar by Michael Payne. |
"Ideally we want to make it as a film for the theatres, on a scale as large as The Lion King," Ghose said. Animation Bridge is at present looking for some co-producer for the project. |