Hinduja flagship firm Ashok Leyland on Friday said it has bagged contract from Ministry of Defence (MoD) for supplying High Mobility 10x10 vehicles (HMV 10x10) to carry Smerch Rockets, with initial order worth over Rs 1 billion.
Ashok Leyland's HMV 10x10 has been fully developed in India and order will end a long search by the Indian Army, which have been looking for HMV 10x10s to carry the Smerch Rockets, the company said in a statement.
This initial order is worth over Rs 1 billion, it added.
"We have won 12 of the 15 tenders we participated in last year, and this is a crucial win for us," Ashok Leyland Head Defence, Amandeep Singh said.
This will pave Ashok Leyland's way for newer opportunities in providing mobility platforms for other missile carriers, missile launchers, modular bridges and other critical loads, he added.