A government's taskforce on the 10-year mission for the automotive industry said the employment opportunities in the auto component sector can grow almost 10-fold to 2.55 million in 10 years from 2.6 lakh now. |
The taskforce's committee on human resources, headed by the Sona group Chairman Surinder Kapur, also said the auto component sector can grow nearly five times to $40 billion by 2015, from $8.7 billion now. |
Various committees were constituted by the ministry of heavy industries to provide the government with inputs on demand creation, safety, human resources (HR) and infrastructure development for the 10-year mission. |
This mission document will form the basis for the new automobile policy the government is working on. |
While the HR committee's report identified the component sector as a major area offering employment opportunity, it also noted a steep rise in the productivity levels in the industry, leading to a lesser number of people being employed for every million dollar increase in turnover. |
According to the report, the average number of new jobs for every million dollar turnover by 2015 will require only 20 people, lower than the present level of 32 people. |
Over the last three years, the average number of people needed for every million dollar worth of business in the auto component industry has fallen by 27 per cent. |
The report also asked the government to take initiatives to ensure that there is no shortfall of skilled manpower over the next decade. There is a need for the Indian technical institutes and automobile training institutes to focus on 'Megatronics', which involves integration of mechanical equipment with electronics, the report stressed. |
One of the key drivers for the automobile industry in the future will be the usage of robotics, which is an integral part of Megatronics. |
Other areas of manpower development, the report observed, would be in 'manufacturing management', promoting R&D through education and training, and focus on electronics by the Indian Institutes of Technology. |
The report also recommended that R&D personnel employed by national-level laboratories and universities must be given the opportunity to work in the industry either on a deputation basis or as a sabbatical for three-four years. |