Bajaj Hindusthan FY06 net up 36% to Rs 191cr |
BS Reporter / Mumbai December 28, 2006 |
Bajaj Hindusthan today reported a 36% increase in net profit at Rs 190.80 crore for the year ended September 30, 2006 when compared with Rs 140.4 crore in FY05. According to an official release issued today, total revenue increased 74% to Rs 1,486.8 crore from Rs. 854.8 crore in the previous year. Sugar sales volume increased 57% during the year to 7,20,798 tonne, and industrial alcohol volume zoomed 160% to 67,480 kilolitres. The board has recommended a dividend of 60% (60 paise per share of Re 1 each). The company, on a consolidated basis, posted a net profit of Rs 184.24 crore on total revenue of Rs 1,522.65 crore. "The consolidated financial results include the results of Bajaj Hindusthan Sugar and India, Bajaj Eco-tec Products and Bajaj Hindusthan Holdings. This being first year of consolidation, there are no corresponding figures for previous period/year," the release added. Shishir Bajaj, chairman & managing director of Bajaj Hindusthan, said: |