The labour court in Pune posted the matter for hearing the petition to July 16. Bajaj Auto has filed a petition at the start of the month in labour court to declare the strike illegal. Dilip Pawar, president of the Vishwakalyan Sanghatana (VKS), petitioned the court in person and sought time to appoint its lawyer to argue the case.
The court also directed Pawar to file a written submission to the court. Labour court judge N S Kole advised both the parties to resolve this issue by discussion. He said that over 1,100 to 1,200 workers are getting affected due to strike and the company is occurring huge production losses.
Speaking to Business Standadrd, Bajaj Auto lawyer Rajiv Joshi, said, " The court has advised both the parties to solve the dispute by discussion. Apart from wage rise issue, both the parties are facing issues because of strike and company is facing production loss of 4,000 bikes on daily basis.
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Commenting on this, Dilip Pawar, president VKKS said, " We are always ready for the discussions and want to resolve this issue by peaceful talks. But the management is extremely reluctant and is ignoring our demands. They have filed false cases against workers and are harassing us." VKKS is a sole bargaining union in Bajaj Auto.
Meanwhile, Union has refused to call it strike and said that it a stoppage of work. Commenting on this, Joshi said, " Under Bombay Industrial Relations act(BIR) act, stoppage of is applicable for non engineering sectors like textile, banking and other companies running on co-operative basis. This is a clear cut strike."
However, Shramik Ekta Mahasangh, an umbrella organisation of trade unions has threatened mass stoppage of work in the Chakan and nearby Pimpri-Chinchwad industrial belt. The union today had a meeting with Labour Commissioner in Pune. The organisation claims of the 88 trade unions in the region and affiliation to Industrial All (Global) Union of Geneva, has asked the department to intervene in the matter and resolve the crisis.
Meanwhile, Aam Aadmi Party, the Arvind Kejriwal headed political outfit, has extended its support to the striking workers of Bajaj Auto's Chakan plant. The party supported demands made by the workers including granting of equity shares of Bajaj Auto, removal of suspension orders for 'equal wages for equal work'.
"We call upon the management of this Company to respond immediately to workers led by a leadership that is constructive, responsible and committed to peaceful and legal means. We also demand that the government should intervene to defend the legal rights of the workers. We call upon the public to extend support to this crucial struggle so that the families of the workers in distress get a relief, production can be resumed and the growing tendency towards curtailment of labour rights can be checked", said the party in a release.