Sebi chief C B Bhave today held discussions wioth Corporate Affairs Minister Prem Chand Gupta and his top officials, as part of concerted action between the government and the regulator to probe the Satyam scam.
Gupta, who today apprised Prime Minister on the latest developments on Satyam, was accompanied by Corporate Affairs Secretary Anurag Goyal during the 20-minute meeting with Bhave.
The regulatory chief had flown in to the capital this morning and is expected to meet other ministers and officials in the finance ministry.
Emerging from the meeting, Bhave declined to comment on the discussions he had with Gupta.
Incidentally, the teams of Sebi and SFIO of the Corporate Affairs Ministry are camping in Hyderabad to quiz the disgraced founder of Satyam, Ramalinga Raju, who was arrested last night by the Andhra Pradesh police.
However, the two teams could not gain access to the Raju brothers and were told by the police to get the magistrate's permission.