The BSE reported block deals of 17.19 million shares worth Rs 133 crore on Thursday. The NSE witnessed block deals of 6.43 million shares worth Rs 115 crore. Janus Advisor International sold 1.01 crore shares of Reliance Energy Ventures via block deals for an average market price of Rs 44.98 per share on the BSE. The block deal took place for a total consideration of Rs 45.74 crore. Gyan Traders offloaded 5.38 lakh equity shares of Aftek Infosys at Rs 100, Grants Investment sold 3.20 lakh shares of Megasoft at Rs 146, RNA Builders-NG sold 4.92 lakh shares of Industrial Investment Trust and Matterhorn Ventures sold one lakh shares of Paramount Communications at Rs 167.50 on the BSE yesterday. Kotak Mahindra UK purchased 2.25 lakh equity shares of the newly listed company Pratibha Industries at an average market price of Rs 161.62 per share. |