Blue Star, the Rs 2,000 crore central airconditioning and commercial refrigeration firm, is looking at a 35 per cent growth year on year, on the back of construction boom in the country. |
Speaking to Business Standard, Prateek Dutta Roy, senior manager - sales, airconditioning projects division, of Blue Star, said, "We already have close to 50 per cent market share in the Rs 10,000 crore Indian airconditioning market. We are now looking at mechanical, electrical and plumbing contracting projects for further growth." |
Blue Star, which recently acquired Bangalore-based Naseer Electricals for a consideration of up to Rs 42 crore, aims to double Naseer's turnover by next year from Rs 110 crore at present, Roy said. |
"We usually manage around 25 commercial buildings every year. With mechanical, electrical and plumbing contracts, beginning this year, we are aiming at around 10 commercial building projects initially, considering many customers of Blue Star have been seeking electrical contracting services from the company," Roy pointed out. |
In addition, Blue Star is also scouting for specialised plumbing contractors. The growing Indian economy and the construction boom, specifically in the infrastructure, hospitality, healthcare, IT & ITeS segments, offer attractive business opportunities in the MEP contracting space. |