Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Saturday presented the Business Standard Annual Awards in the presence of top India Inc leaders and bankers at Hotel Taj Mahal in Mumbai.
"The jury has done a fantastic job as they have searched performers from various corners of this large country. Other than recognising the size and performances of companies, the jury has looked at the purpose of these companies. Are you looking at performances with a 360-degree perspective rather than market capitalisation alone? I really appreciate Business Standard for this wonderful attempt to highlight some great companies and leaders," the Defence Minister
"The jury has done a fantastic job as they have searched performers from various corners of this large country. Other than recognising the size and performances of companies, the jury has looked at the purpose of these companies. Are you looking at performances with a 360-degree perspective rather than market capitalisation alone? I really appreciate Business Standard for this wonderful attempt to highlight some great companies and leaders," the Defence Minister