Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) today said it would invest around Rs 14,800 crore this financial year and a similar amount for the next financial year as part of its capex plans. The public sector company also said, of this, one-third would be spent to set up infrastructure to support its mobile business.
Kuldeep Goyal, chairman and managing director, who was in Chennai to launch BSNL Live Portal (for South), a value-added service for 2G and 3G mobile users, said BSNL, which commenced its 3G service in February last year, had penetrated into 428 cities across the country and currently has 1.2 million customers.
“By end of this year we will expand the service to 750 cities,” added Goyal.
He further added that there was no problem of infrastructure. The company has nearly 50,000 towers across India for 3G network.