The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs has approved Rs 12 crore as financial assistance for the augmentation, strengthening and setting up of Institutes of Hotel Management and Catering Technology and Applied Nutrition (IHMs), Food Craft Institutes (FCIs) in the country.
The Indian Institute of Tourism and Travel Management (IITTM) and National Council of Hotel Management and Catering Technology (NCHMCT) are also included in this Scheme of Assistance as they will be allocated Rs 475 lakh for upgradation.
The existing guidelines for regulating outflow of assistance have been reviewed to eliminate inadequacies in the scheme of things for creating an institutional infrastructure to facilitate professional education and training specific to tourism, travel and hospitality industry.
Rs 5 crore have been allocated for the setting up of an Executive Development Centre and Rs 2 crore are for the establishment of a Polytechnic Institute, University or a PSU.