Luxmi Tea Company (LTC), which bought the ailing Chandmoni Tea Co along with its 700-acre tea gardens for Rs 2.5 crore in 1992 with the idea of bringing the company back on the track, has now decided to turn a major portion of the tea garden into a township on ownership basis. |
It would be the first developed township project in Siliguri town, the gateway rail and road hub to north-eastern India. |
The tea estate had a capacity of around 80 lakh tonnes of tea production per year. |
"The Chandmoni tea estate was a loss making company with huge liabilities. We could not turn the company into a profit making one and have decided to convert 400 acres of tea garden into real estate," explained Dipankar Chatterjee, managing director, Luxmi Tea. |
The area has been handed over to Harshavardhan Neotia's Bengal Ambuja Housing Development Ltd for developing the area into a township under a management contract. |
"The company's liability was around Rs 3 crore which included provident fund of Rs 1 crore and salaries another Rs 1 crore, was subsequently settled," he explained. |
Of the total 700 acres tea estate, 400 will be used for township development while another 150 acres will continue to be a tea garden employing around 150 workers. |
"As many as 60 employees from the tea estate has been declared surplus as a result of the conversion and transferred to Phulbani tea estate also owned by the group," explained Chatterjee. |
He said the company would invest around Rs 500 crore in the township. No investments have been lined up for the tea garden. "We will retain the 150-odd acres under the tea garden," the managing director explained. |
However, since apartments and houses will be sold at a profit to homeowners, investments will be required in the township only to fund start-up costs, which would be recovered from sale proceeds once properties were sold. |
The township will also include a sports stadium which will be built at a latter stage on the adjoining low lying areas. |
Luxmi Tea Company has paid Rs 1.75 crore as stamp duty for the project, Rs 2 crore to pay off workers and another Rs 2 crore on other settlement costs relating to the tea estate. Tea plants have already been uprooted. |
Luxmi Township Ltd currently had paid-up equity of of only Rs 1 crore but this would be increased to Rs 20 crore, said Chatterjee. |