A special court has imposed a fine of Rs 200,000 on a director of Adhunik Corporation Ltd, accused in a coal scam case, for violating bail conditions by going abroad without its prior permission.
However, Special CBI Judge Bharat Parashar did not cancel the bail after the accused — Mahesh Kumar Agarwal — tendered "unconditional apology" with an undertaking that no such occasion will arise in future, and the Judge directed him to deposit the fine amount in 'Kerala Chief Minister's Distress Relief Fund'.
The firm, Agarwal and its another director Nirmal Kumar Agarwal are facing trial for
However, Special CBI Judge Bharat Parashar did not cancel the bail after the accused — Mahesh Kumar Agarwal — tendered "unconditional apology" with an undertaking that no such occasion will arise in future, and the Judge directed him to deposit the fine amount in 'Kerala Chief Minister's Distress Relief Fund'.
The firm, Agarwal and its another director Nirmal Kumar Agarwal are facing trial for