Compulink Systems (CSM) is planning an initial public offering (IPO) of 45.38 lakh equity shares of Rs 10 each at a premium of Rs 50 per share aggregating Rs 27.23 crore to finance its investment plans. "The IPO is scheduled to open by the end of November," the company said in a release today. Post-IPO, Compulink Systems' paid-up equity capital would stand at Rs 10.36 crore from the current Rs 6.82 crore. The promoters' shareholding would come down to 35.2% from the current level of 53.45%. The IPO consists of a fresh equity issue of 35.38 lakh shares and 10 lakh shares held by SIDBI Venture Capital. Post-IPO, SIDBI Capital Ventures' stake in the company would come down to 6.89% from the current 25.14%. |