The force majeure clause, which some in Corporate India could be looking to invoke in case of a breakdown in contracts because of the coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19), might not work in all cases, say experts.
“COVID-19 is unlikely to give rise to a valid force majeure defence under every contract and in every circumstance, as different contracts and governing laws stipulate different requirements for different situations,” said a note prepared by law firm Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas for its clients, assessing the legal impact of the outbreak on India Inc.
The note highlighted the need for companies to proactively
“COVID-19 is unlikely to give rise to a valid force majeure defence under every contract and in every circumstance, as different contracts and governing laws stipulate different requirements for different situations,” said a note prepared by law firm Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas for its clients, assessing the legal impact of the outbreak on India Inc.
The note highlighted the need for companies to proactively