Companies with sales above Rs 500 crore each, particularly in the oil and petrochemical sectors, underperformed the corporate sector by reporting a five per cent decline in sales during the quarter ended December 2001.
The corporate sector as a whole (quarterly performance of 2,133 companies available so far) recorded a drop of 2.5 per cent in sales turnover.
However, where growth in net profit is concerned, these majors have outperformed the sector.
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As many as 48 companies with quarterly sales of over Rs 500 crore each have reported a decline in net profit at 7.4 per cent, compared with an 18.7 per cent decline in net profit of the corporate sector as a whole.
The quarterly performance of 2,133 companies, disaggregated by the size of sales turnover, shows that companies in the sales turnover brackets of Rs 250-500 crore and Rs 100-250 crore have recorded positive sales growth.
The sales of 65 companies in the Rs 250-50 crore bracket rose by 6.3 per cent, while the sales of 152 companies in the Rs 100-250 bracket reported increased at 1.7 per cent.
The 48 companies with sales income of over Rs 500 crore accounted for 58 per cent of the aggregate sample. They reported a 4.9 per cent decline in sales at Rs 1,09,828 crore.
However, if one excludes oil companies from the sample, the sales of 41 companies shows a marginal rise of three per cent.
Nearly all the four segments classified on the basis of sales have recorded a drop in net profit. The worst performers were the 1,868 companies in the lowest bracket (sales of Rs 100-250 crore).
They reported an aggregate net loss of Rs 505.5 crore as against a net profit of Rs 52.3 crore same quarter previous year.
The pathetic bottomline show was on the back of a dip of 3.4 per cent in sales. These 1,868 companies accounted for 17 per cent to sample aggregate sales.
Interestingly, the 152 companies in the Rs 100-250 crore sales bracket recorded the largest drop in net profit of 27.4 per cent.