Diesel and natural gas engines manufacturers Cummins India today announced its entry into the retail and consumer market by introducing small power generator sets of 7.5 kVA and 10 kVA.
"The small capacity power generators of 7.5 kVA and 10 kVA will cater to power needs of lesser capacities such as those required by individuals, households, shops, nursing homes and government institutions," Vice President of Power Generation unit of Cummins India, Beau Lintereur said at the launch here.
He said, "The company would set up a separate retail channel for marketing these small generators through 300-400 retailers in the next 18 months."
With the company's existing commercial channel with a network of 58 service dealers, it will undertake and support the after sale service of the new products in the country.
The company present in the country since 1962, having base in Pune, was earlier into providing complete power solutions to the industries including realty, infrastructure, hospitality, textiles and others.
The power generation units of the company manufactures low and high horse power generators sets in capacities ranging between 15 to 3,000 kVA.
The company is part of $14.34 billion Cummins Inc.