Dabur India, on Monday, announced expansion of its skin care portfolio by launching gel-based facial bleach. The product --'Oxy Life Gel Bleach with Aloe Vera', has been developed at Dabur Research & Development Centre in India.
“With the launch of Oxy Life Gel Bleach we aim to further strengthen our leadership position in the approximately Rs 300 crore skin bleach market and set new benchmarks for the growth of the category,” Dabur India Head (Marketing, Skin Care) Sanjay Singal said in a statement.
The product would be available both in retail market as well as for parlor use in the pack sizes of 8 gm, 24 gm and 330 gm priced at Rs 35, Rs 80 and Rs 375, respectively.
It currently sells fairness bleaches & skin care products under Fem brand.