DaimlerChrysler India on Saturday launched its latest edition of the S-Class and M-Class vehicles in Hyderabad besides showcasing other range of cars including completely imported SLK-Class, CKS-Class, M-Class and Maybach. Unveiling the new editions, Wilfried Aulbur, managing director and CEO of DaimlerChrysler India, said roaming around in the city was a pleasure and Mercedes would make the experience even more pleasant. According to him, the new versions in C, E, S and M class come with more efficient performance and some are even fuel-efficient. South India contributed 25% of the total sales of over 2,000 vehicles in India last year. With built-in intelligent technology, comfort and safety features besides robust and sleek designs across the range, the company hopes to see its sales growing in Hyderabad and other cities in the coming days. The company's Hyderabad showroom sold about 120 cars last year of which up to 60 vehicles belonged to C-Class and about 30 vehicles were S-Class. The S-Class is priced between Rs 48 lakh and Rs 1.3 crore, E-Class carries a price tag of Rs 35 lakh-Rs 40 lakh. The C-Class comes at a price ranging between Rs 24 lakh and Rs 29 lakh. The M-class, which is expected to have the largest market share, is priced at Rs 56 lakh. The C-Class vehicle has been localised up to 50%, others comes in CKD (complete knocked down) or CBU (complete built up) forms, Aulbur said. |