On Wednesday, Jet informed travel agents it would charge Rs 900 for an extra cabin bag on domestic flights, departing from metros. Flyers are now allowed one cabin bag, weighing 7-10 kg depending on class of travel and frequent flyer status, a laptop bag and a purse (for women travellers) without a charge. An extra cabin bag will attract the levy.
Director General Civil Aviation M Sathiyavathy said she would look into the issue.
Jet’s move to levy extra fee comes at a time when the civil aviation regulator ordered a cut in excess (check-in) baggage charges from Rs 300 to Rs 100 per kg.
Domestic airlines have challenged the DGCA decision to reduce excess baggage fees filing a petition in Delhi High Court but have not secured an interim relief. Jet has justified its decision to charge Rs 900 on extra cabin bags and said it was a deterrent against carrying too many bags and not a revenue tool.
It said passengers carry cabin bags more than permissible limit, resulting in lack of storage space, inconvenience to co-passengers and flight delays. The Air Passenger Association of India (APAI), too, is in favour of limiting bags inside the cabin.
“In the first place, extra cabin luggage should not be allowed at all. During peak season when flights are full it causes inconvenience to passengers. By charging extra you are encouraging a wrong practice,” said APAI president D Sudhakara Reddy.