Resolving the crippled mortgage lender DHFL’s over Rs 90,000 crore debt is "not so easy" and banks are considering converting their outstanding into equity, Union Bank of India said Tuesday.
Rajkiran Rai, the managing director and chief executive for the state-run UBI, which is the lead-lender to the crippled housing financier, Tuesday clarified that if the banks take equity stake in the company, it will be for a short -term, which is till they get a suitor.
DHFL owes over Rs 45,000 to banks, and the rest to other financiers including mutual funds, pension funds and insurers, which
Rajkiran Rai, the managing director and chief executive for the state-run UBI, which is the lead-lender to the crippled housing financier, Tuesday clarified that if the banks take equity stake in the company, it will be for a short -term, which is till they get a suitor.
DHFL owes over Rs 45,000 to banks, and the rest to other financiers including mutual funds, pension funds and insurers, which