Homegrown dialysis services provider would invest nearly Rs 150 crore in the next 3 years to open new centres across India. The company targets to up its number of centres to 100 from the current count of 27.
"In the next 4-5 years, we are planning to have 150 centres," Nephroplus founder and CEO Vikram Vuppala said here today. He was in town to open a centre. Now, it operates two dialysis centres in Uttar Pradesh at Lucknow and Agra.
"UP is a focus state for us and we plan to open 20 more centres in the state in next 2-3 years," he added.
In May 2014, the company had raised Rs 60 crore. "To fund our future growth requirements, we would also raise debt besides investing internal accruals."
UP has over one lakh patients who need dialysis support, but only 15,000 get such services due to affordability and access constraints.