Lalit Kumar Jain, Vice President CREDAI, and Chairman Kumar Builders, said: "We were expecting few amendments as suggested in our expectations. However, as our expectation that it will be more than vote-on-account as the times are challenging and special measures are needed to be taken if government mean helping the employment and growth. Hence, we are completely disappointed."
Pre-Interim Budget expectation
The country is facing unprecedented slow down and threat of losing jobs loom over all segments of employees and labor. In fact the loss of work for daily wages labor has been phenomenal. We have advised our members to reduce prices to lowest possible levels and this has culminated in to reduction of sale prices between 20 to 40% depending on locations. We don't have to reinvent the will. The policy changes in 1998 really boosted the activity and kick started growth in GDP through Real estate development. The government and all stake holders need to do much more than whets done. We divide our expectation in three parts.