Jabalpur-based small-scale unit Haylide Chemicals has claimed to have developed a product whose few drops rubbed on hands can make them virtually germ-free. |
This is a product whose imported variants were available in the big cities only. Now this is ready to be launched for the Indian commoner at only Rs 29. |
"People in India suffer from stomach ailments chiefly due to germs entering the body via hands. Hence keeping your hands sanitised and germ-free even when you cannot wash them prevents you from disease. |
"99 Instant Hand Sanitizer" sanitises hands instantly, Triclosan (the anti-bacterial agent even in toothpaste) is a prophylactic against infections for two to three hours, and aloe vera and moisturisers keep hands soft and fresh. Hence, this product protects you always," said Archana Bhatnagar, managing director, Haylide Chemicals. |
For Haylide Chemicals, which manufactures photo-processing chemicals, diversification was the need of the hour, and therefore the concept of anti-bacterial health and hygiene packed was the recipe for success. |
All domestic hand-washing lotions and shower gels offer cosmetic value. While "99" is a product that offers anti-bacterial treatment, through Triclosan (tested at internationally accredited labs) "99 Anti Bacterial Shower Gels and 99 Antibacterial Hand wash are unique products that would hit the shelves," said Bhatnagar. |
Relying on technology from a UK-based manufacturer of specialty raw materials, the product architect, Arun Bhatnagar of Haylide Chemicals, adapted the products to suit Indian requirements and customer preferences. |
This led to the introduction of a range of eco-friendly home care products, namely, Sterix and SteriMop, which both clean and disinfect kitchens and bathrooms. The products are neither acidic nor alkaline, and protect granite and marble, and, more importantly, are safe for children. |
Some other Haylide products include Kleen & Shine, a soap-free general-purpose cleaner and shiner. It is good for cleaning computers and glass. The company has introduced a slew of products for institutional marketing for hospitals, offices and the hospitality industry. |
Archana Bhatnagar says it took two years of research and an investment of Rs 20-30 lakh in diversifying. But for a small company like Haylide hiring advertising agencies and marketing experts was a major expense, and hence those jobs had to be managed out of resources within. |