Hyderabad-based animation, gaming and entertainment company DQ Entertainment International, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the AIM-listed DQ Entertainment Plc, has signed an exclusive broadcast deal with Al Jazeera Children’s Channel (JCC) for the broadcast of its 52X11-minute episode animated series and the 60-minute television feature of The Jungle Book. “The Arabic version of The Jungle Book will be broadcast for the first time in 3D computer-generated imagery format across 22 Arabic countries for a term of five years,” DQE chairman and chief executive officer Tapaas Chakravarti stated said on Friday.
An adaptation of Rudyard Kipling’s classic novel The Jungle Book, which will explore the various escapades of Mowgli and his friends through a dramatic, funny and fast-paced narration, the series was made at a budget of euro 9.2 million (approximately Rs 63 crore), in co-production with MoonScoop.