Following the footsteps of its competitors, eBay India has said it will run a Black Friday sale in India during November 21-30, 2014, where it will offer American products at Indian prices for local buyers.
eBay will also offer free shipping across the country on products purchased via Global Easy Buy.
Global Easy Buy is a service launched by eBay in India that allows Indian shoppers to purchase directly from international eBay sites, pay a single price (inclusive of product cost, shipping and any applicable duties) in Indian Rupees.
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"We will be listing over 10,000 deals on under the Black Friday Sale. These products will be available to consumers in Indian Rupees at price inclusive of all import duties, international shipping charges and other charges as applicable in India."
Black Friday is the Friday following the Thanksgiving Day in the US that is considered to be the beginning of the Christmas shopping season. Black Friday sales are famous for extreme discounting and attract shoppers in huge numbers.
Keeping the "extreme discounting" tradition alive, eBay India said, consumers could look forward to an up to 80 per cent discount on technology and lifestyle products on the website during the Black Friday sale.
Additionally against the Big Billion Day sale run by Flipkart, eBay has said that all purchases made during the Black Friday sale will be covered under the website's guarantee scheme that ensures refunds or replacements in case a consumer is unhappy with the purchase.
The Black Friday sale is being run alongwith India-focused horizontal e-commerce portal