The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has summoned Reliance Group Chairman Anil Ambani in connection with the ongoing money-laundering probe against YES Bank co-founder and former chief executive officer Rana Kapoor. The Group is among the largest borrowers from the bank, with an exposure of around Rs 14,000 crore.
Confirming the development, an ED official said the agency was examining all the big borrowers of the bank, and the stressed loans sanctioned during Kapoor’s tenure. Ambani has been asked to join the probe on Monday (March 16). He will have to provide the details regarding the loans disbursed to his group,
Confirming the development, an ED official said the agency was examining all the big borrowers of the bank, and the stressed loans sanctioned during Kapoor’s tenure. Ambani has been asked to join the probe on Monday (March 16). He will have to provide the details regarding the loans disbursed to his group,