The Kolkata-based Emami Group, which has interests in fast-moving consumer goods to real estate, will invest Rs 1,000 crore over the next few years to ramp up its edible oil business. It has allocated Rs 800 crore to build three manufacturing units in Jaipur (Rajasthan), Kandla (Gujarat) and JNPT (Maharashtra). The rest will be spent on advertisement and promotion of its premium brand — Healthy and Tasty, said Aditya Vardhan Agarwal, director, Emami Group.
Currently, Emami produces soybean, sunflower, rice bran, palm and mustard oils in its two plants located in Haldia (West Bengal) and Krishnapatnam (Andhra Pradesh) and
Currently, Emami produces soybean, sunflower, rice bran, palm and mustard oils in its two plants located in Haldia (West Bengal) and Krishnapatnam (Andhra Pradesh) and