The slowing in early-stage funding for start-ups deepened in the first quarter of 2019, with deal value falling 37 per cent to $212 million (nearly Rs 1,500 crore), compared to the same quarter in 2018; volumes plummeted 48 per cent to 113 deals.
This comes on the back of 27 per cent drop in angel investment (the term for the earliest equity investments in start-up companies) deals and 50 per cent drop in deal volumes in 2018. Early-stage deals comprise angel, seed and Series-A deals. Deal value for mid-stage deals, which is Series-B funding, fell 71 per cent to
This comes on the back of 27 per cent drop in angel investment (the term for the earliest equity investments in start-up companies) deals and 50 per cent drop in deal volumes in 2018. Early-stage deals comprise angel, seed and Series-A deals. Deal value for mid-stage deals, which is Series-B funding, fell 71 per cent to