Rising global interest rates have slowed down India Inc's overseas borrowing programme. According to the Reserve bank of India (RBI) data, corporates have mobilised $7.24 billion through ECBs during the first 11 months of calendar 2005 compared with $9.31 billion in 2004. |
Analysts attributed the slide in money mobilisation abroad to the rising US Fed rate. The Fed rate in the last 18 months has risen by 325 basis points "" from 1 per cent in July 2004 and to 4.25 per cent in December 2005. One basis point is one hundredth of a percentage point. |
Listed companies, however, raised funds through foreign currency convertible bonds (FCCBs) in 2005. In fact, FCCB mobilisation increased 87 per cent to Rs $4.59 billion in 2005 from $2.46 billion in 2004, while ECB borrowings of listed firms declined to $5.48 billion in 2005 from $6.60 billion in 2004. |
The hardening of interest rates has affected even the borrowing plans of small and medium size unlisted firms. The unlisted firms mobilised $1.77 billion through ECBs in the 11 months of 2005 compared with $2.711 billion in 2004. |
The greater part of ECB borrowings was made for refinancing of old debts. The listed and unlisted companies collectively borrowed $2.40 billion to refinance old debt. The listed companies mobilised $2 billion, while unlisted firms mobilised $ 400 million. |
For expansion and modernisation plans, $ 1.88 billion was mobilised. Of this corpus, the listed companies borrowed $ 1 billion and the unlisted firms the remaining $880 million. |
Mobilisation for new projects was third in the list with $1.47 billion being raise under this head. The unlisted firms have mobilised $871 million for project finance compared with $599 million by listed companies. |
Finally, the corporate sector mobilised $1.319 billion for imports of capital goods with listed companies raising $1 billion and the unlisted firms $319 million. |
Among the unlisted firms, Suzuki Powertrain India mobilised $ 138 million, Gateway Terminals India Pvt Ltd mobilised $164 million for project finance and Huawei Technologies India Pvt Ltd mobilised $100 million for the import of capital goods.