Mahesh Samat, former managing director of Walt Disney India, who had quit the media conglomerate in June last year, is making an ‘EPIC’ re-entry in the Indian television space, with a new, genre specific, high definition, Hindi entertainment channel, which he calls “segmented television”.
After being with Disney for five years, Samat has launched Epic Television Networks Private Limited (EPIC), an integrated media company incorporated in 2012. The company has been set up to build segmented offerings in television entertainment. If all goes well, Samat says the first offering, TV channel EPIC would be launched by August.
The network is funded by a group of financial investors, one of whom is Anand Mahindra, who has put in money in his personal capacity.
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While the government mandated digitisation process has made the life of broadcasters a little easier and many of them are launching or planning several new channels, Samat has a different vision for his channel.
He believes content on the television channels has become commoditised and nobody is trying to create something different.
“We see a huge opportunity in mythological, folklore, and historical content. Our brand is rooted in the Indian past. We will be offering a modern take on Indian history and mythology. Our vision is to create a brand in television that will translate our vibrant past into entertainment with the objective of creating new IPs, strong characters and new heroes that strike a chord with mass audiences,” Samat said.
The company has roped in Ravina Kohli, former head of YRF TV at Yash Raj Films, as head of development and former business head at BIG CBS, Aparna Pandey, to head content.
The company has taken the rights for a series on Indu Sundaresan’s Taj Triology (The Twentieth Wife, The Feast of Roses and Shadow Princess).
Samat explains, “There are many characters in our history. We would create finite fiction and non-fiction shows, series.”
The channel would have two-three hours of original fiction and one-two hours of non-fiction content.
Samat added the company is looking at working closely with like minded partners to support the venture.