Hyderabad-based Four Soft Limited, a transport and logistics (T&L) solutions provider, reported more than six-fold jump in net profit to Rs 4.66 crore (466 lakh) for the second quarter ended September 30, 2012. The company had reported Rs 0.69 crore (69.44 lakh) profit in the corresponding quarter last year.
Total income for the quarter grew 15.53 per cent to 35.26 crore, as against Rs 30.52 crore in the same period a year ago. Total expense of the company increased 4.51 per cent to Rs 29.66 crore, as against Rs 28.38 crore during the same period last year.
Four Soft's scrip is currently trading at Rs 8.89 on Bombay Stock Exchange, up 4.96 per cent over the previous close of Rs 8.47.