The drop in global price and lower domestic demand saw standard gold tumble Rs 200 again in Mumbai today to close at Rs 9,580 per 10 gms - the fifth straight decline. After touching an all-time high of Rs 10,665 on May 12, standard gold started tumbling on profit-booking by large funds and institutional investors. The yellow metal has declined Rs 920 in the last five days indicating the end of the continued rally in the domestic market. Copper wire bar declined Rs 6 to Rs 419 per kg in Mumbai while similar loss was witnessed in copper scrap section. Aluminium slab was comparatively calm with a marginal loss of Re 1 at Rs 152 per kg. Generally, base metals market move in tandem with the London Metal Exchange (LME) where prices of all metals declined dramatically. Copper in London declined by $332 from the Friday's close at $7952. Similarly, aluminium on the LME fell by $26.5 to $2716.5 and zinc slipped by $61 to $3325. |