Anil Agarwal-Controlled metal giant Vedanta has been accused of 'illegal mining' by Azerbaijan, prompting India to assure the government of the former Soviet republic of investigating the issue. |
Azerbaijan has complained to the Indian government that Vedanta Sterlite Industries was illegally exploiting gold in its territories that have been occupied by Armenia, a highly-placed official told PTI. |
"India has assured Azerbaijan that it will probe the issue. The government has also told them that Indian companies will have to operate in accordance with inter-governmental agreements and local legislation," the official said. |
According to sources, the Commerce Ministry has forwarded the complaint of the Azerbaijan government to the department of mines for taking up this issue with Vedanta. A Vedanta spokesperson could not be immediately contacted. |
Azerbaijan raised this issue with a high-level Indian delegation which visited the Central Asian country recently. |
The two former Soviet republics are locked in a long-standing land dispute, with Azerbaijan claiming that Armenia has occupied 20 per cent of Azheri territory. |
Vedanta Resources, which is listed in London, has annual sales of $1.9 billion. A large part of its operations are in India, where it has a major market share in aluminium, copper, zinc and lead. It acquired aluminium company Balco and Hindustan Zinc from the government during the previous NDA government. It is also in a dispute over buying the government's remaining stake in Balco. |
Last month, the metal giant agreed to buy 71 per cent stake in India's largest private iron ore exporter Sesa Goa for $1.37 billion. |