The Rs 32,000 crore Gujarat Ambuja Cements is targeting a capacity of 20 million tonne per annum in the next three years. |
For this the cement major would set up a Rs 100 crore fly ash-based production unit at Dadri in Uttar Pradesh, utilising the 3.5 lakh tonne fly-ash generated by the National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC). |
Anil Singhvi, executive director, Gujarat Ambuja Cements, said: "We are looking at a capacity of 20 million tonne in the next three year through productivity enhancement and acquisitions." |
At present the company has a capacity of 12.8 million tonne, and along with its subsidiary Ambuja Cement Eastern its total capacity stands at 14.8 million tonne. |
The company had recently added one million tonne capacity at its Punjab unit. |
"The tie-up with NTPC underlines our commitment to save the environment by promoting an effective and efficient use of fly ash," said Suresh Neotia, chairman of the company. |
The first phase of the Dadri plant, with an initial capacity of six lakh tonne capacity, is likely to start in October, 2004, and consume 1.8 lakh tonne of fly-ash. |
By the end of second phase, to be over by December 2006, a total of 3.6 lakh tonne of fly ash would be used to run the plant at full capacity. NTPC Dadri produces 14.6 lakh tonne fly ash annually. |