Haryana, which has produced 6,164 tonne of mushrooms in fiscal 2007, has been ranked third in the country and has set a target to produce 7000 tonne in the current financial year. About 2100 tonne of mushrooms had been produced till December 2007, and Haryana Horticulture Department had set a target of producing 7250 tonne in the year ending 2008-09, an official spokesman said. The spokesman said Sonipat district was on the top by producing 2171 tonne of mushroom, while Panipat stood second with 1100 tonne and Gurgoan with 476 tonne was third in the state. Free training is given to farmers under the National Horticulture Mission to popularise Mushroom Production Programme. The horticulture department also provides many other facilities to the farmers, including the travel expenses, food, board and lodging and also the training material. It also provides best pasteurised compost and mushroom spawn to the farmers at subsidised rates. |