HCC Group on Wednesday said it has won a case against the the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI), and would receive Rs 1,259 crore from the latter as part of the conciliation exercise.
“The proceeds of shall be used to expedite completion of our key projects and to strengthen HCC’s participation in future works of nation-building,” said Arjun Dhawan, CEO of HCC Group.
The dispute between HCC Concessions, the infrastructure development arm of HCC Group, and the NHAI pertained to Baharampore-Farakka Highways (BFHL) and Farakka-Raiganj Highways (FRHL).
“The proceeds of shall be used to expedite completion of our key projects and to strengthen HCC’s participation in future works of nation-building,” said Arjun Dhawan, CEO of HCC Group.
The dispute between HCC Concessions, the infrastructure development arm of HCC Group, and the NHAI pertained to Baharampore-Farakka Highways (BFHL) and Farakka-Raiganj Highways (FRHL).