In order to introduce an element of standardisation in healthcare services, the Indian Healthcare Federation (IHF) is considering grading hospitals in terms of quality of healthcare. |
"We are talking to ICRA and CRISIL to grade hospitals under the aegis of the IHF, " said Naresh Trehan, President, Indian Healthcare Federation. |
"We expect to have our first round of gradings out by the end of this year," he added. |
The IHF is also talking to the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organisations, JAHCO, which is a US based healthcare accreditation agency. |
The need for grading has arisen in view of the vast potential for health tourism, wherein people come to India to get treated. |
"The state of healthcare in India is now comparable, if not better than in the west. At a tenth of the cost, patients can get results comparable to those in the United States," said Trehan. |
Rating will help potential customers, including foreigners seeking treatment in India to decide on which hospitals they wish to get treated in. |
The Confederation of Indian Industry had recently organised a visit of 21 healthcare providers to the United Arab Emirates (UAE). |
The delegation was headed by Trehan, who is also Chairman, CII National Committee on Healthcare and Director, Escorts Heart Institute & Research Centre. |
Among the objectives was showcasing Indian centers of excellence and working out mechanisms for patient referrals.The decision to expedite the rating of hosptials under the IHF was a fallout of the visit. |
A large number of hospitals in the small to medium size segment, which are facing competition from organised players, are also independently seeking ratings. |
" A number of such hospitals have approached us for getting their services graded, said Ashish Jain, Manager, ICRA. ICRA grades hospitals on a four-point scale depending on the quality of healthcare they provide. |