The Hero MotoCorp Limited (HMCL), a leading two-wheeler manufacturer, had planned a major expansion in its business network across the states of Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan. "By the year end (2015), the company had planned to open 150 touch points in the three states," Rahul Shivani, Zonal Head for the Central Zone comprising the three states, said. He was here to launch two new motorcycles, the Hero Xtreme Sports and Hero Passion PRO, in the Chhattisgarh market.
Talking about company's expansion plan, Shivani said they had been conducting micro detailing of the region, mostly the rural belt for the expansion plan. Even in the insurgency-hit pocket of Bastar region in Chhattisgarh, HMCL had opened its centre, he said, adding that the company had over 60 per cent market share in the state.