Hindustan Dorr Oliver bagged order worth Rs 111.50 crore in its environmental division for design, supply, engineering and construction of Integrated Effluent Treatment plant from Hindustan Petroleum Corporation (HPCL) for their Refinery at Mumbai. The project will consist of adoption of latest technologies in environmental engineering including Sequential Bio Reactor and Membrane Bio Reactor. The company will be executing the above mentioned contract in 18 months. The company had earlier also bagged an order from petroleum major - Indian Oil Corporation worth approximately Rs 85 crore for re-cycling plant (RO Technology) for IOCL - Haldia refinery. Hindustan Dorr is a wholly owned subsidiary of IVRCL Infrastructures and Projects, a leading Indian infrastructure industry, having core business focus on total Water Management including pumping, conveyance, treatment and distribution, national highways, roads, buildings, hydro-electric projects, power distribution, desalination, etc. IVRCL is also executing many projects on BOOT basis for various Government Departments of India. |