Hutch has launched a special recharge voucher for its prepaid customers in Uttar Pradesh (East). This special voucher, called 'Half Rate', offers customers a reduced call rate of 50 per cent for local calls on their existing traffic plans. |
The new voucher is available in two denominations--Rs 499 with a talk time of Rs 99 valid for three months and Rs 799 with a talk time of Rs 101 valid for six months. |
Speaking on the offer, Gurdeep Singh, chief executive officer, Hutch-UP said, "This is yet another initiative by Hutch towards making mobile telephony affordable and accessible to all. With this 'value for money offer', Hutch customers will be able to cut their monthly mobile expenditure significantly." |
On the purchase of the 'Half Rate' recharge voucher, customers can avail themselves of 50 per cent reduction in rates of local calls made from a Hutch phone or a landline. |