A search and seizure operation was carried on Wednesday at hotels and resorts premises of Ahmedabad-based Neesa Group in various parts of the country, said sources.
In all, 20 premises of Cambay in cities like Ahmedabad, Jaipur, Udaipur, Goa, Kollam, Gurgaon, Lucknow, Bangalore, and Mumbai were covered in the search and survey operations. According to sources, large number of incriminating documents indicating unaccounted transactions of the group have been seized which are being analysed. However, the total amount of transactions could not be ascertained.
"Former IAS officer Sanjay Gupta is the CMD of the Neesa Group, which owns the hotels and resorts where the searches are going on," a top I-T official said.
Moreover, around eight lockers belonging to members of the group have been sealed under the operations. The search and survey operations comprised of 40 teams and around 200 I-T officials across the cities.Neesa Group runs hotels and resorts under the brand name of Cambay, with properties like Cambay Sapphire and Cambay Grand.