Idea Cellular, part of the Aditya Birla group, has posted a rise of 14.72 per cent in its net profit for the quarter ended 30 June at Rs 309.21 crore compared with Rs 269.53 crore in the previous corresponding quarter. The company's net sales during the quarter rose to Rs 2,817.94 crore from Rs 2,173.18 crore last year, up 29.66 per cent.
The company's profit from operations before other income, charges and tax stood at Rs 396.64 crore against Rs 453.83 crore, down 12.61 per cent.
The earning per share stood at Rs 1.00 againt Rs 1.02 last year.
On the Bombay Stock Exchange, the company's shares settled today at Rs 77.80, up 3.87 per cent.