How should business leaders deal with uncertain times?
The key is not looking at daily changes in weather but looking at the change of season. If you look at the trends, there’s predictability. One, India will never go back to the licence raj which means competitive markets are here to stay. Two, competition will not just be domestic but it will be global. Global multinationals are here to stay. Sixty years back, Japan was the first to go into emerging markets. It was displaced by Korea which is now being displaced by China.
Indian multinationals (the few we have)
The key is not looking at daily changes in weather but looking at the change of season. If you look at the trends, there’s predictability. One, India will never go back to the licence raj which means competitive markets are here to stay. Two, competition will not just be domestic but it will be global. Global multinationals are here to stay. Sixty years back, Japan was the first to go into emerging markets. It was displaced by Korea which is now being displaced by China.
Indian multinationals (the few we have)