The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) said on Monday that Indian companies invested $1.65 billion abroad in February.
Companies committed the money by the way of equity, loans and issuing guarantees to their wholly-owned subsidiaries (WOS) and joint ventures (JVs) in foreign countries. In outward foreign direct investment, Indian companies had an equity contribution of $291 million, while they gave loans worth $258 million. Companies issued guarantees worth $1.1 billion.
Major companies which invested in foreign countries included Escorts Heart Institute, Crompton Greaves and Punj Lloyd. Escorts issued guarantees worth $400 million to its WOS in Singapore, Fortis Asia Healthcare PTE Limited and also gave a loan of $9 million to this company. Crompton Greaves issued a guarantee of $202 million to its JV in the Netherlands, CG International BV. This JV is engaged in wholesale and retail trade and also in restaurants and the hotels business.
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Punj Lloyd give a guarantee of $107 million to its WOS Punj Lloyd PTE Limited which was formerly known as Creighton PTE Limited. It also gave a loan of $1.3 million to this company. This company is engaged in finance, insurance and business services according to RBI data.
In January, 2013, Indian companies had invested $3.30 billion in other countries.
RBI publishes monthly data of Indian companies’ investments outside the country.